DOT Physicals
Now Offering DOT Physicals for only $105
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much time does a DOT physical take?
Typically, your physical will take between 20-30 minutes. If you have any underlying health conditions that requires the doctor to read through your medical records, the appointment may be longer.
What does your DOT Physical INclude?
Blood pressure and heart rate
Urinalysis (Evaluating protein, blood, sugar levels, and specific gravity of the urine).
Physical Examination
Eyes: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, etc.
Ears: presence of scarring or perforated eardrums, etc.
Mouth and Throat: abscesses or lesions, difficulty swallowing, etc.
Heart: arrhythmias, abnormal heart size, etc.
Lungs and Chest: difficulty breathing, impaired respiratory function, etc.
Abdomen and Viscera: enlarged liver and spleen, abdominal wall weakness, etc.
Vascular System: diminished peripheral pulses, varicose veins, carotid artery, etc.
Musculoskeletal: limited motion, prior surgeries, etc.
Neurological: ataxia, uncoordinated movement patterns, impaired speech, etc.
Does insurance cover a DOT physical?
No, generally your insurance does not cover DOT physicals. In some circumstances, your employer will cover the cost of your DOT physical. Make sure that you get approval from your employer before scheduling an appointment.
HOw long can I be certified for?
DOT physicals may certify a driver for a maximum of two years. Some health conditions that need monitoring, such as hypertension and diabetes, may lead to a shorter certifying time frame.